Monday, March 31, 2014

SKETCHUP MODEL with customized textures

The customized textures are present on the roof, the staircase along the side of the facade of the workshop above ground and on one of the interior walls underground.
Roof: embossed
Staircase: smooth
Underground wall: reflective

Friday, March 28, 2014

Inspirational Short Video [Kanye West- Black Skinhead]

This short music video by Kanye West inspires the building due to the creative methods used to compose the video by computer animation- the animated figure is on Mr West placed on a Hulk like body. This video influence my choosing of the materiality, influencing my decision on the colour/texture/materials chosen to drape the workshop for Heston Blumenthal and especially the underground workshop for Revival Cycles.

Design of Stairs in SketchUp

The underground stairs represent the pristine environment of Revival Cycles- represented in the metal clean cut staircase and very conventional and harsh in contrast to the fanatical experience of Heston's staircase. 

The stairs represent the experience which Heston Blumenthal brings through his food- where the person climbing the stairs need to embark on a stepping stone kind of journey in order to get to the first level or the workroom.

36 Textures



Monday, March 17, 2014


Model 1: Delicious/Pristine

18 Sketches of Workshop

Sketch 1: Delicious, Scintillating
Sketch 2: Scintillating, Delicious

Sketch 3: Delicious, Pristine
Sketch 4: Pristine, Delicious

Sketch 5: Vexing, Streamline
Sketch 6: Streamline, Vexing

Sketch 7: Vexing, Pristine
Sketch 8: Pristine, Vexing

Sketch 9: Idiosyncratic, Pristine
Sketch 10: Pristine, Idiosyncratic

Sketch 11: Idiosyncratic, Scintillating
Sketch 12: Scintillating, Idiosyncratic

Sketch 13: Idiosyncratic, Streamline
Sketch 14: Streamline, Idiosyncratic

Sketch 15: Scintillating, Vexing
Sketch 16: Vexing, Scintillating 
Sketch 17: Delicious, Streamline
Sketch 18: Streamline, Delicious

Heston Blumenthal

Noun: idiosyncratic
Adjective: delicious
Verb: vexing

Steinway and Sons

Noun: ivory
Adjective: majestic
Verb: perform

Monday, March 3, 2014

Revival Cycles

Noun: pristine
Adjective: scintillating
Verb: streamline

C. A Long Way from Home

This photograph was taken on my trip to Malaysia at Sydney Domestic Airport- we had a stopover in Melbourne. The harsh lines of the metal and the neutral/cold colour tones exemplify the nostalgic nature I was feeling at the time. This photograph captures a lot of feeling for me. 

B. House Maza by CHK Architects

This piece of architecture is ultimately what I call to be a beautiful piece of architecture. It combines the elements of the natural to blend in its artificial facade in order to seamlessly integrate a harmonious building. Although not famous, its the unknown and upcoming pieces of architecture that really fascinates and intrigues me. This true genius of a building blends with its surrounding to create a jungle oasis for its inhabitants while still providing the practicality of a house. 

A. Tumblr

This creative work is a screenshot of my tumblr archive, showcasing the ability of fashion to shape architectural design and representations to essentially continue the flow of popular culture through the same processes of design. Both fashion and architecture are ever linked by their design processes, material usage and textural importance. Both disciplines start with the human body and expand on ideas of space and movement, serving as outward expressions of personal, and cultural identity. Architects and fashion designers produce environments defined through spatial awareness if structure they create, whether it be buildings or clothes which are based heavily on volume, function, proportion and material.